Mannam Jayanthi is a regional Indian holiday in the state of Kerala on January 2nd each year. This holiday commemorates an important Indian social reformer on the anniversary of his birth in 1878.
In the critical situation of the spread of Pandemic Covid 19,the college remain closed for the safety of the individuals and society . A new venture has been taken to enhance the professional skills of the prospective Teachers and an online Course was conducted on the Use of Technology in classroom situations.The sessions were carried out in the first week of April via Google classroom and 96 Teacher Trainees participated with great interest.There was intense training and demonstration on creating an Etext,DataAnalysis using Spreadsheet,Preparation of Blogs and an Econtent.The participants were finally evaluated based on their performances collected using Googleforms.The online Course proved to be successful and interesting for the participants especially Due to the monotonous routine during the lockdown period . Click here to view the Work summary
A workshop on teaching aids was conducted on 16/01/2020 and 17/01/2020.The student trainees had their first experience on chart writing and preparation of still and working models